ABC Magic Show | The ABC Song | The Alphabet Song | Beep Beep Nursery Rhymes
ABC Magic Show Lyrics:
made easy
For you and me
Let us make it fun
On the run
For you and me
A for Apple
Ah-Ah. Ah-Apple
B for Ball
Buh-Buh. Buh-Ball
C for Cat
Cuh-Cuh. Cuh-Cat
D for Dog
E for Egg
Eh-Eh. Eh-Egg
F for Fish
Fuh-Fuh. Fuh-Fish
G for Gorilla
Guh-Guh. Gorilla
H for Horse
Huh-Huh. Huh-Horse
I for igloo
ih-ih. Ih-igloo
made easy
For you and me…
Let’s learn the sounds
As we jump around
For you and me…
J for Joker
Juh-Juh. Juh-Joker
K for Kite
Kuh-Kuh. Kuh-Kite
L for Lion
Luh-Luh. Luh-Lion
M for Monkey
Muh-Muh. Muh-Monkey
N for Nose
O for Orange
Oh-Oh. Oh-Orange
P for Parrot
Puh-Puh. Puh-Parrot
Q for Queen
Kwuh-Kwuh. Kwuh-Queen
R for Rat
Ruh-Ruh. Ruh-Rat
made easy
For you and me…
Let us make it fun
On the run
For you and me…
S for Snake
Suh-Suh. Suh-Snake
T for Train
Tuh-Tuh. Tuh-Train
U for Umbrella
Uh-Uh. Uh-Umbrella
V for Van
Vuh-Vuh. Vuh-Van
W for Water
Wuh-Wuh. Wuh-Water
X for Christmas
Ks-Ks. Ks-Christmas
Y for Yoyo
Yuh-Yuh. Yuh-Yoyo
Zed for Zebra
Zee-Zee. Zee-Zebra
WX -
Y, and Z.
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