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ENG SUB《初夏的甜蜜约定 Promise in the Summer》合集版 Full Version 普通的女孩用她的触摸治愈了他的病!| 主演:马浩东,刘念 | 腾讯视频-青春剧场

3 观看次数
发布时间 21 Apr 2023 / 于 电影与动画

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☞主演: 马浩东/刘念

【Synopsis】Han Qilu, a young master, always keeps his distance from the opposite sex because he has a "strange disease" that makes him allergic whenever he touches them. But he does not get allergic only when he touches An Chuxia, a motivated Cinderella who accidentally entered his house. So, at the request of Han's mother, an action to "save the allergy" that develops into a romantic relationship later gets started. While she is treating him, Chuxia gradually finds out the secret of Han Qilu's "strange disease"...
【Starring】Ma Haodong, Liu Nian

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#初夏的甜蜜约定 #PromiseintheSummer#ChineseDrama

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