山花烂漫时 | 兴辉 高 | TEDxWeixiuyuan Road
高兴辉女士在今天的演讲中,以“园丁”自比,讲述了她从山西小山村到成为教育行业的佼佼者的心路历程。她通过个人奋斗,带领成千上万的学员走向更广阔的世界,同时也通过直播间为无数学员带来改变与希望。她讲述了自己如何从一名农村女孩成长为一位教育创业者,并且通过互联网的力量帮助更多人发现自我、超越自我。她的故事充满了爱、勇气与坚韧,展示了教育对个人与社会的深远影响。In her speech today, Ms. Gao Xinghui compares herself to a "gardener" and shares her journey from a small village in Shanxi to becoming a leader in the education industry. Through her personal efforts, she has led thousands of students to broader horizons, while also bringing change and hope to countless others through her live broadcasts. She talks about how she grew from a rural girl into an educational entrepreneur, using the power of the internet to help more people discover and transcend themselves. Her story is full of love, courage, and resilience, showcasing the profound impact of education on both individuals and society. 小镇女孩30岁逆袭上清华,清华经管硕士&北语高翻硕士。腾讯公益爱心大使,“在全中国建造100所希望小学”发起人。
北外特聘教学培训专家,央视英语风采大赛评委,国内多所重点初高中老师的老师。新东方优秀教师&演讲师,帮助100万成人零基础学员自信说英语。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx