25 Learn French Every Day: 5000 Most Used French Words (4) #learnfrench #everydayfrench #food #drink
Learn French Every Day: 5000 Most Used French Words (4) - This list includes foods, drinks, and other ingestible substances (e.g. tobacco) as well as other words related to serving and obtaining food.
Apprendre le français tous les jours : 5000 mots français courants - aliments, boissons et autres substances ingérables
每日法语: 5000 常用法语词汇:食物、饮料和其他可摄入的物质
每日法語: 5000 常用法語詞彙:食物、飲料和其他可攝入的物質
blé (m.) wheat
spécialité (f.) specialty
menu (m.) menu
thé (m.) tea
liquide (f.) liquid
herbe (f.) herb
pâte (f.) pasta
baie (f.) berry
orange (f.) orange
bœuf (m.) beef
porc (m.) pork
beurre (m.) butter
mouton (m.) sheep
poulet (m.) chicken
sel (m.) salt
poule (f.) hen
fromage (m.) cheese
chocolat (m.) chocolate
soupe (f.) soup
crème (f.) cream
gâteau (m.) cake
céréale (f.) cereal
cocktail (m.) cocktail
riz (m.) rice
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