Baby's First Haircut Song | Beep Beep Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Baby's First Haircut Song:
Emma, you’re the sweetest girl
My baby, won’t you cut your hair?
No no! I love my hair
It is so long just like yours!
Baby, you need a cut
It will keep you very clean
Emma you’ll look prettier too
It won’t fall into the soup
If you cut your hair now
It’ll grow back really strong!
“Okay! I want strong hair!”
Daddy, will you come along
And pick a hairstyle for me?
Yes hahhaa
Clip snap clip snap clip snap
Hurray! It’s haircut time!
Emma, how high or low
Do you want your chair to be?
“I want to be this tall!”
Here you go!
Yay! Thank you! laughs
I got my scissors & the spray
Let’s get started now!
Clip snap Clip Snap Clip Snap!
Hurray! It’s haircut time!
We clip away the extra hair
We’ll give you a very cute hairdoo
The scissors go clip clip clip
The scissors go snap snap snap
Emma, what do you think?
Do you like your new hairdo?
“I love it!”
Thank you for my new hairstyle!
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