Fun Fitness for Kids | Alphabet Exercise
Also available on DVD:
~ Chapters ~
00:00 Rock 'N Learn Title Screen
00:05 Al's Alphabet Warmup
01:24 A
02:51 B
04:05 C
05:54 D
07:18 E
08:48 F
10:31 G
12:08 H
13:16 I
14:21 J
15:28 K
16:48 L
18:19 M
19:34 N
20:39 O
21:57 P
23:12 Q
24:20 R
25:31 S
26:54 T
28:03 U
29:12 V
30:45 W
32:18 X
33:58 Y
35:16 Z
Alphabet Al gets young learners out of their seats to exercise their bodies and minds. Fun songs for each letter of the alphabet promote imaginative play and fitness with creative movements like Picking Cherries, Soaring Eagles, and Air Guitar while helping children learn the skills that will prepare them for learning to read. Also includes traditional exercises, such as Jumping Jacks and Windmills.