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Mommy Is Sick Song | Mom got Sick | Songs For Kids | Beep Beep Nursery Rhymes

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发布时间 04 Mar 2025 / 于 其他

Mommy Is Sick Song | Mom got Sick Lyrics:

Mommy & Emma play all day long
Running & laughing, oh! it's so fun

But mommy is tired & she needs to rest
Daddy comes home & he runs a test

Mommy is ill & she needs a pill!
Johnny & Emma care for her well!

Daddy tucks mommy into her bed
Johnny brings mommy, soup, and some bread

Jinni sings mommy, a sweet lullaby,
Get well soon Mommy, I love you so much!

She sings back to Jinni, you've been a good girl
My sweet little baby, thank you so much

Daddy reads Emma a Bedtime Story
About a brave girl who fought enemies!

Daddy tells Emma, Don't you worry
Mommy is soon going to be merry

Mommy wakes up all hale & hearty
Daddy & Emma are very happy

Mommy & Emma play all day long
Running & laughing, oh it's so fun!

00:09 Mom Is Sick
02:14 Humpty Dumpty
03:24 Rain Rain Go Away
06:23 Old McDonald Had A Farm

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Join us to explore numbers, colors, animals, shapes, animal sounds, and much more through fun & interactive songs tailor-made for your toddler! We make it easy for parents to spend time with their kids, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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Our other songs:

Old MacDonald Had A Farm: https://youtu.be/T7vD_CstPno
Five Little Speckled Frogs: https://youtu.be/8msZWevOENw
Humpty Dumpty Sat on the wall: https://youtu.be/17airuL6gts
Johnny Johnny Yes Papa: https://youtu.be/HxkiJ6Emxi0
Five Little Bunnies: https://youtu.be/rLsSVZ6D82c
I am a little teapot: https://youtu.be/QOPpkXLlQdA
If you are happy: https://youtu.be/4SkMZ-rzQJY
The Muffin Man: https://youtu.be/QSamq1isAKs
Row Row Row Your Boat: https://youtu.be/666QUBfk9vA

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