Number Song | Five Baby T-rex Went Out One Day | Beep Beep Nursery Rhymes
Sing along with the Beep Beep Nursery Rhymes and learn numbers with "Five baby T-rex Went Out One Day"! Join in the fun with this catchy number song that will have your little ones dancing and counting along.
Five baby T-rex Went Out One Day Lyrics:
Five Baby T-rex went out one day
To a farmhouse, far away
Mommy T-rex said come back, back, back
But only four baby T-rex came back
Let’s go, Mom is calling!
One… two… three… four… Oh-oh! One baby T-rex is missing!
Four Baby T-rex went out one day
To a farmhouse, far away
Mommy T-rex said come back, back, back
But only three baby T-rex came back
One… two… three! Oh my gosh! Where are the other 2 baby T-rex!?
Three Baby T-rex went out one day
To a farmhouse, far away
Mommy T-rex said come back, back, back
But only two baby T-rex came back
One… two… Oh no! Where are the other 3 baby T-rex!?
Two Baby T-rex went out one day
To a farmhouse, far away
Mommy T-rex said come back, back, back
Let’s go, Mom is calling
One Baby T-rex went out one day
To a farmhouse, far away
Mommy T-rex said come back, back, back
But no baby T-rex came back
Oh no, all five baby T-rex are missing!
Sad mommy T-rex went out one day
To a farmhouse, far away
Oh! Where are the other baby T-rex?
Joey: I know where they are!
Joey: Let’s go, Mom is calling!
One… two… three… four… and five! Yeah!
All baby T-rex came back
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Join us to explore numbers, colors, animals, shapes, animal sounds, and much more through fun & interactive kindergarten songs tailor-made for your toddler! We make it easy for parents to spend time with their kids, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Hope your children will like these videos.
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