The Boo Boo Song + More Nursery Rhymes I Beep Beep
00:09 Boo Boo Song
03:10 Rain Rain Go Away
06:09 Row Row Row Your Boat
08:11 Old McDonald had A Farm
Mommy, Mommy! Where are you?
I’ve got a boo-boo. Boo-boo!
I fell from the swing, it hurts!
Aww sweetie, don’t worry!
Mommy will help make it go away
First, we’ll wash do-do-do-do do-do
Then put a bandage do-do-do do-do
Then a kiss do-do-do-do
Bye-bye boo boo!
Oooooh!! Ouch!
Daddy, Daddy! Where are you?
I’ve got a boo-boo. Boo-boo!
I tripped on a stone, it hurts!
Aww, honey, don’t worry!
Daddy will help make it go away
First, we’ll wash do-do-do-do do-do
Then put a bandage do-do-do-do do-do
Then a kiss do-do-do-do
Bye-bye boo boo!
Mommy, Mommy! Where are you?
I’ve got a boo-boo. Boo-boo!
I bruised my leg, it hurts!
Aww sweetie, don’t worry!
Mommy will help make it go away
First, we’ll wash do do-do-do do-do
Then put a bandage do-do-do do-do-do
Then a kiss do-do-do-do
Bye-bye boo boo!
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Our other songs:
Old Macdonald Had A Farm:
Five Little Speckled Frogs:
Humpty Dumpty Sat on the wall:
Johnny Johnny Yes Papa:
Five Little Bunnies:
I am a little teapot:
If you are happy:
The Muffin Man:
Row Row Row Your Boat:
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